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between. She must have trapped him anyway to eat and drink                     unlucky man. Instead, if he would have set my rela on with
        such spell-casted food at her place. How mean of her?” Saying                  some man with a long life then life would have been fun.”
        so, she strayed away in other thoughts. Actually, her own mind                         The burning sensa on of Sundari was increasing more
        was malicious, so she imagined others to be evil. If her husband               and more, she was speaking senselessly without any thought.
        enjoys with the second wife, then she (the first) can't bear it.                Dharmadas was listening to everything. He just got frozen on
        Actually, she was full of envy, so she imagined others to be                   hearing this! He thought, "Oh! Is she a wife or a pros tute? She
        envious. The evil in ones own mind creates such evil world                     used to show boundless love and affec on for me before. Now
        inside. There was no enchantment or witchery over there. No                    when she saw her selfish mo ves not ge ng fulfilled, she is
        death. Even then, the suspicious and selfish mind creates fierce                 calling me wretched and unlucky man! She is telling 'He died
        and disgus ng imagina ons.                                                     away, killing me together' She is crying just for her sensual
               Right from the beginning, Sundari's mind was dipped so                  pleasures!  Really,  I  feel  grateful  to  my  religious  friend  who
        deep in selfishness that she didn't just stop in the imagina ons                really has genuine affec on and precise care for me. Thanks to
        of witchcra  but con nued ahead. In addi on, the apparent                      him for showing me such a discreet test! Let me listen to what
        husband's death became so frigh ul for her, she couldn't resist                she has to say for me'.
        the enraged fire burning in her heart that she began to cry                             "O, God! Why are you torturing and troubling me? You
        alone loudly as per woman's nature.                                            felt  no  mercy  for  me?  Why  does  the  whole  world  call  you
               “Oh my God! What has this happened? I hoped to make                     merciful? You are really cruel. You broke my playtoy. You broke
        my husband forget his so very dear religion. And it happened                   my vessel of lus ul enjoyments! What should I do now?  Whom
        so. He is providing me with all sensual pleasures and fun. On                  should I speak? Oh! I'm burning in the fire of lust and this dead
        top of that, in such enjoyment, he is in full control of me. So I              husband has added petrol in it ! This stone like husband has
        dreamt. ‘He would do whatever I say and I'll become a great                    broken my forehead. Now, who will earn money for me? Who
        queen having full power and prowess in this house.’ All my                     will bring money and ardently serve my feet? It's night  me
        hopes  sha ered  into  pieces  with  this  incident.  Oh!  I'm                 now...All people will gather...There would be a great s r, hustle-
        completely ruined! Where from would I get worldly pleasures?                   bustle all night long and would take this corpse lately in the
        I will have to burn in my mind looking at happy young couples!                 morning. Till then, I would have to lament and wail beat my
        The sparrow couple is luckier than me who are immersed in                      head and chest in front of the people. But I've no strength le
        love and bliss. I won't have any lus ul pleasures all my life! He              now. I didn't eat the whole day to impress this unfortunate
        died away, killing me together! Ah! Ah! My father is really a                  poor man. I have become lean in this starva on. How would I
        donkey! He didn't ask the astrologer properly, whether this                    perform all the ac on of bea ng and shou ng? And the rich,
        man has a good lifespan or not? Without asking the astrologer,                 sweet dish is cooked and ready. Should it be thrown into waste?
        he  has ly  arranged  my  marriage  with  this  wretched  and                  No,  no  whatever  was  going  to  happen  has  been  occurred.

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