P. 51

There is going to be no change in it. Now let me fill my belly. And             control of me. I didn't let him spend more money in religion or
        get in hand  all the keys of  lockers and  safes. Then  I would                waste in trifle expenditures. Although he died, he kept a good
        scream loudly and gather the crowd.”                                           amount of cash and property for me. It's enough for me. But
               The  merchant's  son  Dharmadas  was  very  much                        what  would  I  alone  do  with  the  money?  Would  I  carry  it
        surprised  hearing  this.  'Oh!  Is  this  my  great  chaste  wife?            everywhere? Where would I sa sfy my sensual thirst? Where
        Wicked Witch! I lost my sense in her. Can she go to such far                   would I enjoy the lusty delights?” Grumbling so, she sat near
        limits?                                                                        Dharmadas and began the cry-skit loudly.
               She is abusing me, her father and even Bhagwan!  Her                            "O, my father! I died alive...My forehead is broken...O
        rela ves meant troubling ghosts to her! She used to show such                  my father...I'm sliced to death….Ah! My stomach has burst...Oh
        love and affec on to me and now she can eat the sweet dish in                   my God! You burned me alive...Ha...Ha….”
        front of my dead body? What am I seeing this? Even the world                           People  immediately  gathered  listening  to  her  loud
        may be similarly coloured with selfishness. Quite possible, not                 lamenta on.  They  began  to  ask,  “What  happened?  What
        at  all  impossible  because  worldly  people  show  so  much                  happened?”
        affec on outside in speech but are a racted to other things.                            “What damn are you asking? Look at this. It seems some
        They like food and drinks, garments and ornaments, praises                     bitch  woman  has  mesmerised  him.  He  died.  Oh  !  My  bad
        and honours. Their life is u er dear to them. Should we believe                luck..My  poor  fate!  It  pushed  me  down  to  hell...O  my
        that worldly people love us more than the worldly objects? I am                mother...Ah! Ah! He died away, killing me together! How would
        foolish that  ll today I thought so. In reality there is no such               I live without him? Why don't I die?”
        in mate love!If people love other objects more than us and if                          People understood, 'His husband is dead and the cry
        any problem arises to those loving objects due to us or any                    and scream is all about it.' So they began consoling her,
        reason, then they would soon turn into our rivals. A er that, it                       “Sister! What was going to happen, has happened. Now,
        is natural, even if we are dying, they would leave us behind                   what would you get by mourning and grieving? Salute to God's
        being pained and troubled and would get ready to embrace a                     wish!" They think as if God is the killer! What a stupid belief!
        new life partner. Alas! I really forgot the very eminent religious             Sundari barked back, “How mean is God's wish? How idiot is
        prac ces in her enchantment! Let me see. The test is going on'.                God!  He  didn't  get  any  oldie  that  he  directly  struck  and
        Thinking  so,  he  lay  over there  sleeping. Over here, Sundari               snatched my husband!  And  he killed me alive!" Some man
        went into the kitchen and savoured the tasty dishes with great                 interjected,
        joy! She came out grumbling "Yes, now I can perform a good                             "O sister! God doesn't do such a thing! Even God had to
        drama of wailing aloud." Then she made safe all the safes.                     face  death.  No  one  has  control  and  command  over  one's
        Inside  the  lockers,  she  saw  the  gli ering  shine  of  heap  of           fortune. Now calm and pacify yourself. C'mon now let's make
        money  and  jewellery  and  got  happy  “Good!  He  was  in  full              ready the death-stretcher and other necessary things. But, first

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