P. 54

In a city, there lived a merchant named 'Dhanada'. He
                                                                                       was so very wealthy that people said, “Even Kuber, the God of
                                                                                       riches seems  ny and trifle before him!” Generally, it is seen in
            8. The Bi er Outcome of                                                    the  world,  the  sin  of  wealth  a racts  and  a aches  several
                Extrovert Outlook                                                      other sins and misdeeds. While over here, the scenario was
                                                                                       different.  In  spite  of  enormous  wealth,  he  possessed  and
                                                                                       preserved  a  noble  and  lo y  character.  When  one  gets
                                                                                       boundless  ameni es  for  enjoyments,  it  is  very  difficult  to

               A villager folk may like jaggery  ll he hasn't tasted rich,             draw  a  boundary  line,  limit  oneself  and  stay  away  from
        appe zing sweets and temp ng cakes. Similarly, a man may                       obscene delights! We can see this in the world.
        like the things of the outer world un l he hasn't dived in the                         Merchant Dhanada was affluent, but besides it, he was a
        inner world and got a glance of the dazzling richness of the                   man of character. Even his nature was polite and benevolent.
        inner world, the soul. The richest worldly treasure of gold and                Such peculiarity of having virtues along with wealth was the
        jewels may seem worthless and cheaper than a dry straw of                      result of struggling spiritual efforts from several lives. If we
        grass in front of the inner soul's splendid splendour. Sages with              could see such peculiarity in ourselves, we should indeed feel
        rags and rugs, devoid of any comfort look happier and blissful                 pleased and proud. Why? It depicts that we are spiritually high
        than the most majes c kings. This is a strong evidence proving                 than  infinite  souls  of  the  world  and  even  ourselves  infinite
        the above fact. The sole purpose of human life is to discover                  years back.
        the inside treasure.                                                                   The wife of Dhanada was also like him but a bit egois c.
               If a person's wallet is filled with crores of money and                  Even then, she was chaste and generous. In all this, we've to
        unknowingly  he  goes  out  to  beg  for  a  rupee,  he  would  be             no ce how the extrovert nature traps oneself!
        considered a fool. The worldly soul is becoming such fool from                         Once upon a  me, the merchant had gone to a foreign
        infinite  me. In spite of possessing infinite bliss in the inner                 country  for  a  business  purpose.  Over  here,  a  musician  had
        world,  the  soul  is  extremely  engrossed  in  searching  for                come in the city. He sang so very sweet as to make the listener
        happiness in non-living objects in the outer world. It is a sad fact           wholly engrossed and enchanted! A poet may just fill the tastes
        that we are detached and disconnected from our rich inner                      of romance, bravery, wonder or peace in a poem while a singer
        world from  me immemorial. This present story would prove                      directly makes the listeners feel those tastes, feel the sensa on
        to be a connec ng bridge for you with the real you.                            and make them dance! Huge city crowd overflowed before his
               A er  learning  the  bi er  and  brutal,  dangerous  and                song. What does a man want a er birth? Extrovert sight or
        deadly outcome of extrovert outlook, let us deviate and debar                  introvert sight?
        ourselves from outer trifling world affairs.                                             Q.  But  brother!  If  one  gets  beau ful  things  to  see

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