P. 55

outside, why won't he be interested in looking outside?                        work? Neglec ng and fleeing away from your work?
               A. No, he may not at all get interested in looking outside.                     “But mam! Just listen to us for a moment. Don't we
        Because it happens only when one doesn't have a look inside.                   understand this? Did we get late for just no reason?”
        There is exuberant beauty inside.                                                      Other maid interjected, “Today really, we saw a fantas c
               Similar to the outer world, there is a vast inner world!                and fascina ng singer in the city! Oh! Wow! How wonderful
        One can think over the infinite past of the soul, his terrible                  and sweet was his song! What a mind-raving voice. It seems like
        and piteous states in different life forms! Even though the soul                the Gandharva (singer deva) had descended the earth. We just
        suffered  unbearable  pain  repeatedly,  he  remained  foolish                  can't express and explain more. You understand in brief. It's just
        and stupid. He roamed in several awkward lives. One can think                  awesome!” The maids so very well described, “Mam, what do
        and contemplate on all these things.                                           we tell you of him? The throng of city crowds is rushing and
               Similarly,  one  can  also  think  about  significant                    pushing to hear him! Oh! How melodious is his music! What a
        speciali es  of  Bhagwan,  his  exquisite  beauty,  his  infinite                nkling  in  his  throat!"  As  the  maid  described  it  with  so
        quali es,  his  prosperous  and  splendid  life,  his  divine  and             excitement, the mistress felt as if she is actually listening to him
        supernatural powers, his incredible grace and benevolence etc.                 in a live concert. Man is of so wavering nature that he can in no
        as such there are a lot of things to meditate upon. But how can                 me slip away from senses. Although, the mistress was holy at
        people learn to look inside. Is it so easily available? So, people             mind. Husband had gone to a foreign place. Even then, she was
        dance with excitement on ge ng something outside.                              pleased and glad looking at her husband through the inside
               A  crowd  of  people  gathered  and  flocked  around  the                eye, the eyes of the mind. Despite being separated from her
        singer  every  day.  One  day  the  merchant's  maids  went  and               husband, she was not desperate of staring at other fair-skinned
        stood  over  there  to  listen  to  him.  They  got  so  very  much            guys like street singers. Even, she was not fond of flirta on or
        interested that they stood long. They returned home late a er                  seduc ve  dressing,  roaming  or  wandering  about.  But  the
        the song got over.   Over here, the merchant's mistress was                    extrovert  outlook  is  very  very  dangerous  and  harmful  to
        wai ng furiously with boiling red face. As soon as the maids                   oneself! The pleasure of any of the five senses a ract the soul
        arrived home, the angry mistress rebuked sternly and strongly.                 very  much.  Eventually,  it  ruins  him  completely.  Just  look,  a
               In such incidents, rich people seem to be arrogant. But                 minor mistake, a small sin slowly creeping inside the mind,
        the fact is that if one doesn't keep command over servants,                    when it grows bigger, then it results in losing one's character.
        they fail and forget in discipline and duty. So control is very                This is however very easy in today's  me because you would
        necessary. Even then, one should be loving and generous in                     get none to prevent you from misdeed.
        execu ng commands. The mistress was menacing the maids.                                The mistress thought on listening to the descrip on by
               “Where  were  you  all  from  so  long?  Have  you  all  no             the maids, 'How can I listen to such songs? That too by going
        sense? Wandering here and there! Is this your way to be at                     outside? The song may be obscene or ero c! It would spoil my

         108                                                                             Bi er Outcome of Extrovert Outlook                          109
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