P. 56

nobility!  It  would  blot  my  character!  Should  I  call  such  a           am insis ng you to experience it a bit. How heart-throbbing is
        wandering person at home to sing before me? No. Leave all                      the music! Is there any loss in listening to it a bit?”
        this. It's very improper.' A er thinking in mind, she said to the                      In believing an unsuitable and shameful ac vity to be
        maids, "I won't listen to all this.”                                           good and proper, on ge ng a bit persuasion and cer fica on
               Keeping one's nobility and character safe and sound, for                from the ignorant, it soon invites danger and devasta on to
        once, she avoided extrovert outlook to spread further.                         us.The devil mind makes us believe the improper to be proper.
               Q. If we would leave and avoid everything, we would be                  The noble mind would always consider the evil as evil only. One
        le  from seeing new things                                                     should be very far from such bad things. One should not even
               A. If such is your belief, then there are endless things in             smell it. Not even go near its shadow. 'It won't mind, less won't
        the world which are le  to be seen. And which would be le  to                  make any harm.' Many  mes such weak thoughts from the evil
        be seen. So now what do you want to do? Do you want to cry                     side oppose and fight with the noble feelings. In the war of
        and report for the unseen things or go out for sightseeing? Oh!                noble  v/s  evil,  that  side  wins,  towards  which  the  soul  is
        One  should  understand,  even  if,  some  of  those  new  and                 inclined. The mistress was then suppor ng the evil side! She
        wondrous, things come in front of us, we can't see because of                  said to the maid,
        our nobility. Some other wondrous things are so obscene that                           “Is that so? Then decide and arrange the place and  me,
        we can't even speak or ask about it. So why should one lament                  where we can go and hidingly listen to him.”
        about  them?  Of  course,  one  shouldn't.  So,  one  should                           According to the  me fixed by the maids, the mistress
        persuade the mind. 'Even if I wish, I won't be able to see all the             got out in the night. She walked out of the town with the maids.
        wondrous  things,  there  would  be  a  lot  of  stuff  remaining               But,  when  they  reached  the  singer's  place,  they  found  the
        unseen.                                                                        singer to be sleeping. The programme was over and the singer
               Similarly, the thing in front is an addi on to the list of              was  sleeping  outside  the  temple's  bench.  Maids  asked  the
        unseen. Forget and leave it'. At the first instance, the mistress               mistress, "Do we wake him up?” But, the mistress accidentally
        pressed  her  tempta on.  But  the  maids  were  low  bred  and                declined it. Why? Doesn't she want to listen to the music? She
        cheap. They won't finish it so fast. The maid said,                             wants to. But there are various colours of extrovert outlook.
               “Mam, don't believe this music to be an ordinary thing.                 One who gets coloured by the extrovert outlook of one kind,
        This is the music of heaven, really of heaven! Leave everything                then gets a racted to another too. Because there are endless
        else.  But  not  this  thing.  A erwards,  when  you  would  hear              things in the world while the mind waves are s ll boundless!
        everyone praising him all around, then you would feel 'I was le                Emo ons  are  fluctua ng!  Distracted  by  another  extrovert
        from listening to him! I didn't listen to even a bit!' I don't have            outlook, the mistress refused to listen to this singer! Why?
        any authority over you. I am just expressing my feelings. In the                       The mistress said to the maid, "No. No need of waking
        real sense, I'm an u er fool before you. I really enjoyed it, so I             him up. I very well saw your singer. How poor and ugly he looks!

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