P. 58

loudly  and  heavily  for  you.  Ahhh...O...o...Ha..Ha...and  you
        arrived in the you are just some kilometres away…! O,
        Merchant! You are very fortunate and prosperous! No, no, you
        are just 30 kilometres far...even the king of this city has got the
        news  of  your  arrival...And  even  he  has  done  a  warm  and
        honourable welcome…!”
               The singer brought the merchant right at the street's
        corner in the imagina ve song.
               “Oh! Now the king himself is welcoming the merchant!
        The whole city has overflowed here to look at the merchant's
        richness and splendour... Wow! Merchant! Wow! How do I sing
        your  glory?  O,  great  man!    You  are  on  the  corner  of  the
               On listening to this, the mistress standing on the fi h
        storeyed terrace ran and rushed ahead to meet the merchant!
        The mistress slipped in the extrovert outlook of the sense of
        ears! The mistress was running ahead in the terrace…!
               The flow and sensa on of the poem had reached to
        climax…”Oh...oh! Now you've arrived at your castle's gate.”
               The  merchant  lady  thought  ‘Oh!  Has  the  merchant
        come?  I'm  coming  to  welcome  him…’  Thinking  so,  she  ran
        ahead. The terrace was open… On running ahead, the mistress
        finally fell down…! A loud thud! was heard as she crashed on
        the ground! Everyone in the street got awake...the singer got to
        know, "My wish has been fulfilled." So he immediately fled
        away! The mistress experienced a painful death!

               This is the bi er result of extrovert outlook! One should
        think that there are endless things in the world to be seen. But
        by  eagerly  and  curiously  watching  all  those  things,  what
        beneficial crux do we get in it? Nothing. Extrovert outlook is
        fu le. So turn your vision inside.

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