P. 57

How can he sing well?" See the manifold nature of Karma. The                           “O..Merchant! You are very fortunate and prosperous.”
        voice of this singer was so sweet it superseded everyone! On                           "Wow!  Merchant!  Your  name  itself  is  fortunate.  You
        the other side, his nose was flat! He had a big belly and small                 have  a  shining  fortune.  Even  your  goods  and  valuables  are
        chest! He was a dwarf with a triangular face! On looking at him,               fortunate as you...O great man, you embarked on a foreign
        the mistress thought, "What talent must he be having? What                     journey...Oh!  Oh…!  Your  goods  and  cash  got  doubled  and
        even  if  the  maids  extoll  him  long.  I  don't  want  to  listen  to       tripled...and  got  ten   mes!  O,  merchant!  You  are  very
        anything. Let's go back!" Thinking so, she turned to return back               fortunate and prosperous…!”
        home. But before that, she made li le mischief! Mistress was                           “Now you are filling your bags with jewels and diamonds
        arrogant of her beauty, so she went away spi ng on the singer.                 instead of silver! Oh...I didn't give this news at your
               Some people around the singer were awake. So, a er                      are very fortunate and prosperous…”
        the mistress went away, when the singer got awoke, those                               Such is a splendid profound effect of music, that the
        people told him, “What are you sleeping and dozing off? Today                   words of the song tune and excite the strings of heart!
        the wife of a reputed merchant of the city came over here. She                         A er coming at home from outside, the mistress wasn't
        went  away  spi ng  on  you  saying  'How  poor  and  ugly  he                 s ll sleeping. And there the song began! Her ears got a en ve
        looks…!' How the people are! Instead of soothing the fight,                     as soon as the song started. She thought ‘Oh! Wow! Is such a
        they are ready to ignite and add fuel in the fight! People lack                 superb  voice  possible  in  this  world?  And  all  his  talks  are
        noble wisdom and are clever in abusing at the back!                            favouring me! Very nice! mind-blowing !’ Mistress got lost in
               The singer said, "Is it so? Ok, now I'll teach her a lesson. I          hear elt sensa on when that singer con nued further.
        won't let the sunrise for her. A er all, I'm an ar st." Are these                      "O, Great merchant! What respect and honour of you!
        signs of an ar st or a devil? One who wants to show ones skill in              The king over there gave you a palace to stay!  O...everyday he
        such a way can't be an ar st, but a devil. One may be skilful in               is especially sending you a royal palanquin to take you to the
        doing business but if he thinks ‘Today I'll show everyone in the               palace!  Aaa...the  business  is  flourishing…  wealth  is
        market, corner everyone.' What is this? The play of extrovert                  increasing...O... o...o... Merchant! You are very fortunate and
        outlook  is  very  dangerous!  On  sigh ng  the  pride  of  the                prosperous…!”
        mistress, the devil inside the singer woke up!                                         The more the mistress was listening to it, the more she
               The  singer  properly  inquired  and  traced  the                       was ge ng curious! She thought, “Now what next?..”
        whereabouts of merchant and the mistress. He traced, who is                            And there the singer sang loudly.
        the merchant? Where is he now? Then he framed a musical                                “A...a..,  you  winded  up  your  business  and  you  are
        play on it. The melodious voice was already ready at hand! He
                                                                                       returning back home…! Wow! The whole king's family along
        played  the  song  right  in  the  merchant's  street.  He  tuned
                                                                                       with the army and with the band has come with you to bid you a
        musical notes from the violin and started his song.
                                                                                       farewell! And you came out of the village...People are crying
         112                                                                             Bi er Outcome of Extrovert Outlook                          113
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