P. 52

of all, we need to get him down the bed.”                                      So they quickly descended the steps.
               Thinking so, two men came near, to carry him. But there                         But where can Sundari go? So Dharmadas made a fierce
        was  a  problem.  Dharmadas  was  sleeping  with  both  legs                   verbal a ack, "What is all this? Is this your love and is this your
        fastened with a pillar. They tried to loose them but couldn't                  chas ty? Has anyone bewitched you alone or me? I died, so I'm
        release them. They used more force to unlock the knot of legs,                 a  wretched  and  unlucky  man?  You  are  alive,  so  you  are
        but here Dharmadas was far strong enough to keep  ght the                      prosperous and lucky. Right? Your dad didn't select a be er
        leg-knot. So when they failed to open it, they said to the lady,               husband. So he is a donkey and I am wicked. Isn't it? You just
               “Sister ! Do you have a saw?   Let's cut this pillar and                wanted lus ul enjoyments like sparrows! You were just fond of
        carry him away.” Sundari felt a blow in her heart! She called him              play of skin! So you considered the sparrows more lucky than
        near and told him,                                                             you! And did God give you all these troubles? Were you insane,
               “Do you have any wits in your head? I'm widowed who                     gone crazy calling God an idiot? Previously you used to say 'I
        would earn and erect me a pillar that you are cu ng it. And by                 feel  my  life  being  deserted  and  devastated  even  if,  a  li le
        the way, he is already dead and is going to be burnt. Then what                trouble comes to you. Why don't I die before I've to see your
        is the use? Don't you understand even this, my brother?”                       trouble?' Then how did you relish rich, sweet dish before my
               The cemetery man said, “Oh yes! Your idea is absolutely                 corpse? Over here, I didn't have a li le trouble but complete
        correct!  We  understood,  very  well  understood.  C'mon  now                 death. Even then, you felt no hesita on! You happily savoured
        let's cut his legs.”                                                           food and drinks with great interest. Besides, you made safe the
                                                                                       safes and delighted for a aining wealth! Wow! I admire your
               The conversa on took place before the believed-to-be-
        dead  Dharmadas.  Dharmadas  heard  this  talk  and  was                       life!
        bewildered and shocked. He thought 'What am I hearing this? I                          Did you remember religion a bit? How can religion come
        used to consider her as a great chaste woman! Now in this                      in your mind? You even made me forget religion! You were
        examina on,  do  I've  to  see  how  much  do  they  cut?  No,                 happy with the fact that I was completely engrossed in sinful
        absolutely no.’ Dharmadas quickly thought 'A er all, this is just              enjoyments. Then why would you care of religion yourself?
        a test. She may be of whatever kind. But now, if they would put                What  were  you  telling  to  the  people'  My  forehead  is
        saw on my feet, I would die really! Now the test suggested by                  broken...He died away, killing me together…' How false were
        my friend has come to an end. So let me get up'. So as soon as                 those words? Is your forehead broken or mine? You were alive.
        the saw given by his wife touched his foot, Dharmadas at once                  Having  understood  the  fact,  you  could  have  diluted  and
        sprang up! Looking him alive, some people got angry, while                     diminished the infatua on for me. Thus, you could have got
        some thought this as wife and husband's plan to tease and                      involved in religious prac ces and improved your life, improved
        make fun of them. They felt shy thinking that "We even got                     and sparkled your fortune. In the real sense, only my forehead
        ready to strike the saw on his leg. Oh! It was our foolishness."               is broken, my fortune is washed off, because I was completely

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