P. 49

I'll instantly cook the food. You lie down and take a bit rest.”               factory starts right in the morning when I wake up, works all day
        Saying  so,  Sundari  went  into  the  kitchen.  Dharmadas  was                long  ll I sleep at night. There is a constant supply of food
        res ng in the drawing room. He thought in the mind then, 'How                  rubbish every hour in this factory. No vows, no pledges! No
        beau ful love and courtesy for me! Which quality does she                      religious fests or fes vals. So, I doubt because there is not a
        lack? I see an en rely different scenario than what my friend                   trace of religion. So let me complete the test and see what
        told me. What should I understand in this? My friend seems to                  happens.’
        be innocent. He blindly accepts all that is wri en in scriptures                       Thinking so, he remained silent lying on the bed. Sundari
        for everyone. Scriptures state, 'Woman is a statue of deceit. All              didn't get any reply, so she recalled her husband. Even then,
        worldly rela ves are selfish and mean'. So my friend believes                   she heard no sound of her husband. Then she got up and come
        everyone to be like this. Over there, I see no fault, nothing bad              out in the drawing room and saw him sleeping. So she said, “O!
        in my wife. Where is any sign of selfishness or trap over here?                 It seems he is fast asleep! How much  red he is! Let me wake
        She cares and worries so much only for me. She is working hard                 him up.” She shouted, “Wake up.” But she got no answer! So
        just for me in spite of being hungry and thirsty. Look, in spite of            she shook him hard. Whichever side she shook and pushed, he
        being hungry, she went to cook my food.'                                        lted and turned to that side. He was not at all moving, nor
               How  ignorant  this  man  is!  He  believes  to  be  true               speaking anything.
        whatever is happening in front of his eyes! His thoughts would                         She was taken aback and got extremely shocked, "Ah!
        change as soon as he would know the real inside story. When                    What is this? Sleep can't be like this! Let me see his breath.”
        he  was  immersed  in  such  thoughts,  he  got  a  call  from  the                    She kept her finger before his nostrils. Even he was very
        kitchen." Welcome my beloved, food has been cooked.”                           clever. He stopped his breath very carefully doing ‘Pranayam.’
               Then  he  thought  'Now  what  should  I  do?  S ll,  my                This lady was a village folk. It didn't occur in her mind that 'I
        friend's test isn't over. But now I don't think so, there is any               should check his pulses, veins and heartbeats.' She saw her
        need for more tests. My friend's talks were all vain and crazy.                hands and legs slacked and his breath stopped. So she believed
        Why should I trouble myself more by ge ng into it? Now let me                  him to be dead. The thought of husband's death terrified her.
        get up and have dinner.’                                                       She wailed loudly.
               On  another  side,  he  thought,  'Oh,  yes  I  remember                        “Oh ! What happened accidentally? He was completely
        according to my friend, I see nothing of religion in the wife's                healthy. There was no no on of any minor disease. Then why
        talks. She is just looking that I haven't eaten all day long. She              did this demise happen? Oh yes. I understood our mutual love
        didn't  talk  anything  of  religious  prac ce.  Even  animals  and            and bliss was such to arouse jealousy in someone's mind. Some
        birds do physical love and care. Once I  used to finish my meal                 evil-minded lady, envious of our love may have done some
        before sunset and abstained from ea ng at night(according to                   witchery. He told me that he is going for some court's work. But
        religious  tenets).  Now  in  this  queen's  kingdom,  the  belly              I think evil lady must have taken my husband to her home in

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