P. 45

His friend asked, “But what are you busy about?”                                “Oh! Brother, it may hurt you.”
               He  said  with  pride,  “How  can  you  know  what                              “Ok ask me, what is the ma er?”
        happened? What do you know about the ma er of our richie's                             “Have you thought whether your wife's love is true or
        home?”                                                                         not?”
               "Yes,  my  brother!  We  are  poor,  so  we  are  fool  and                     “Ah ! What are you asking me? Have you gone mad?”
        ignorant, what do we know about the ma er of your richie's                             “No, no. I'm just asking for my knowledge, how is her
        home?”                                                                         love?”
               He hesitated slightly and said, “Why do you say such                            "Oh, my friend! It's like a great chaste woman! There is
        things, my friend? So many responsibili es surround me. Don't                  no ques on in it.”
        you understand it.”                                                                    The  friend  said,  "A  great  chaste  woman  means  you
               “Are your responsibili es more than an Emperor? Even                    consider her as Sita? Do you know hi-chas ty of Sita? Ram put
        surrounded by severe responsibili es, the Emperor used to                      Sita  in  a  ferocious  forest  in  a  helpless,  weak,  miserable
        daily perform devo on and worship towards Bhagwan, service                     condi on! Even then, Sita said not a word ill of Ram ! How was
        and  obeisance  of  Guru  and  religious  rituals.  All  that  is  ok.         that condi on? Though she was a great queen, there was not a
        Besides that, first of all, tell me, how is your wife? Is life going            single servant with her! Not even a  ffin box with her! And the
        good? You are my friend. I'm happy if you're happy."                           forest was so fierce where wild beasts were roaming around?

               “Oh, Are you asking that? What do I tell you about her?                 The commander general le  Sita all alone. Even in such worse
        No one may have got such a wife like mine. Extremely pa ent,                   condi on, instead of condemning Ram, Sita only doomed her
        generous,  wise,  apprecia ng,  loving,  very  much  caring  and               poor fate and her own sinner soul! What incredible chas ty! A
        very much courteous! How much do I say of her? Then what to                    king happened to come over there. He addressed himself 'I'm
        tell about happiness and peace in my life?” Friend thought 'Yes,               your religious brother'. Saying so, he took Sita in his palace.
        I got the root of the problem! For this reason, this gentleman                 Even over there, Sita said no ill of Ram. Sita gave birth to Lav and
        may not be ge ng free from the service of the great queen!'                    Kush.  When  both  the  sons  grew  up,  they  understood  that
        The friend said to him,                                                        father exiled mother in a wrong and unjus fying manner. Even

               “Oh! Is that so? You never gave an invita on to me? Oh! I               at that  me, Sita was so noble-hearted! No contempt for her
        forgot,  I'm  poor  while  you're  rich.  We've  no  rela on,  no              husband or conceit of ones self! Such is a great chaste woman!
        comparison, right?”                                                            Do you think your wife is like such great chaste woman? I’m
               “Buddy! Why are you teasing me?”                                        pleased, if she is of such kind. But don't be so innocent and
               When they  got  engrossed  in  talking,  Subuddhi  said,                ignorant. Don't remain in any illusion, if she is not of such kind.
        “Bro, I'm….but it may hurt you…”                                 So  tell  me,  have  you  tested  whether  her  love  is  natural  or
               "No, no way should it hurt me?”                                         selfish?”
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