P. 43

said to the merchant, how the soldiers came to slaughter him,
        On listening to such threatening episode, the merchant just
        lost his senses and sweated with fear. He repented, "Oh, I did a
        very foolish act! I'm really very cruel and inhuman!" A er that,
        the clerk told, how he used his wits to save the master. The                        7. Selfish World
        merchant was glad to learn about the extreme generosity of
        the  clerk's  heart.  The  merchant,  at  last,  understood  and
        realized that 'Boss's instruc ons work  ll the gate.' Further only
        the intelligence of the person going works.’
               Look, this incident teaches us many many things. The
                                                                                               Do you blindly love and trust your family and rela ves?
        merchant's endless instruc ons and impa ence were wrong.                       Do you believe their love, care and affec onate words to be
        The  clerk's  hasty  reply  with  disrespect  for  the  elders  was            100% true? Is that so? Then this story would prove to be a red
        wrong. On looking at the soldiers coming, the hope castle in the               signal to you! Gurudevshri makes us alert and aware. 'Worldly
        mind of the clerk was wrong. While the generosity of the clerk                 people like food and drinks, garments and ornaments, praises
        for saving the master was nice! It was really a  mely ac on. The               and honour more than us. Whenever any problem arises to
        repentance of the merchant was good.                                           their loving objects due to us, they would soon turn into our

                                                                                       rivals. So it is our foolishness in believing that people love us
                                                                                       more than the worldly objects.’
                                                                                               One should keep in mind that people would lovingly talk
                                                                                       and sustain rela ons with us only  ll their selfish mo ves are
                                                                                       ge ng fulfilled from us. So one shouldn't ignore or keep aside
                                                                                       the benefac ng religious prac ces for the sake of such a selfish
                                                                                               Over here, the hypno c, magical power of courtesy is
                                                                                       also  revealed.  Courtesy  and  politeness  can  mesmerise  and
                                                                                       conquer even the enemies. But courtesy and service should be
                                                                                       selfless  and  towards  the  real  benefactor,  a  Guru.  It  is  the
                                                                                       stepping stone to 'Salva on.’
                                                                                               The story also teaches that one shouldn't get fla ered
                                                                                       and blinded by hearing ones praise and ge ng too much care
                                                                                       and service.
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