P. 39

There lived a merchant in a city. He had a jewellery shop.              he sending me for such a risky, important job.’ Thinking so, the
        One day he said to his office clerk, “Go, Go to Delhi and sell                   clerk  couldn't  contain  himself,  he  snapped  back  as  the  car
        these goods and buy this much. And listen, in the buying list,                 started,
        definitely buy this much diamonds, this much rubies, these                              "Boss's instruc ons work  ll the gate” As soon as he
        much emeralds, these much sapphires, this much pearls etc.                     u ered these words, the car accelerated and gained speed.
        and you have to bring this much and this kind of things surely.                The thing was straigh orward, the merchant may give as many
        He gave lots of such instruc ons to him. The clerk got ready.                  instruc ons as he wants but a er going there on the work site,
        The  car  arrived.  The  merchant  con nued  with  his                         one has to look, what kind of situa on it is? One has to think,
        instruc ons—                                                                   which step should be taken which would procur more profit?
               “See, be alert! There shouldn't be any, black spots in the              These all depend on the intelligence of the man who is going
        diamonds,  the  rubies  should  be  of  best  quality,  the  pearls            there.  The  boss  can  give  instruc ons  only  according  to  the
        should be big and best". The clerk was  red then. Even then the                situa ons formed before the gate. And that's right. But a er
        'lecture' was uninterruptedly raining. But what can a  clerk do?               the gate, in the market or the foreign place, the situa on can be
        How can he reply back? A er all, he was the boss! How can he                   beyond the imagina on of the boss. How can the merchant's
        be  advised?  The  clerk  was  about  to  leave  off  from  the                 instruc on help him over there? On the contrary, it may incur a
        merchant's mansion. And there, the merchant rushed to him                      loss if he rigidly and blindly follows the master's advice.
        and said,                                                                              The boss should keep in his mind that he should leave, a
               “Beware! Delhi is the city of things! Don't be innocent                 bit  on  the  intelligence  of  the  opposite  person.  If  we  are
        and ignorant. Don't get cheated over there. And that emerald                   entrus ng  any  responsibility  on  him,  considering  him
        should be very sparkling and shining. Yes, and about diamonds.                 intelligent for the job and if we feel 'He won't be able to do
        Be very careful about them. If you don't understand, verify it in              without explaining him step by step.' then there is a danger in
        four places. Some spots on diamonds are inauspicious. And the                  giving him such responsible job. Because if the circumstances
        garlic  like  gems  would  be  available  at  a  very  low cost  over          happen to be different, then this fool won't make 160 out of
        there...What a non-stop flood of speech! It con nued flowing                     100, instead he would lessen to 60 out of 100.
        even when the car was about to start!                                                  Secondly, we should understand, there is a limit to the
               Man is very proficient in selfish means. He keeps very                    pa ence of the opposite person, so we should respect his post
        precision and carefulness in it! The merchant thought 'I would                 a bit. Over here, the merchant lacks this He is suffering from the
        be the ideal man of precision'. Then why won't he do so?                       arrogance of being the master. The clerk, however, went away
               The clerk got  red listening to the torren al downpour                  u ering  such  words  but  listening  to  them  the  merchant
        of over-precise instruc ons. ‘A er all, why is he giving me so                 became utmost angry. He thought in his mind, ‘This clerk is so
        many instruc ons. Do I seem a fool to him? If it is so then why is             rude? Such ignorant? Is he insul ng me in such a way? All the

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