P. 34

person!” “Dad! You are too scep c! I watched it carefully. Even I                      “See, I went and thrashed him hard, but not a li le did
        thrashed his whole body.”                                                      he move or shake. You are really uselessly doub ng.”
               “O young kid! You don't understand anything.”                                   Father  said,  “Young  lad!  Relax  don't  be  anxious.  You
               “Then what do you want to do?” asked Bhaliya.                           don't know about this world. A man doesn't only bear s ck
               Father said, “Take this s ck and beat him hard, very                    thrashes,  but  for  money,  he  can  even  bear  big  blows  of  a
        hard. He'll instantly spring and stand up if he is living. Hey, don't          hammer.”
        feel pity for him.”                                                                    “Daddy!  He  may  bear,  but  the  body  should  at  least

               Ohhh...! O Laxmi (wealth)! What really is your impact!                  shiver a bit, But it is not happening over here!”
        How cruel and hard-hearted you are! In reality, are you well-                          “No my son. But tell me, did you see any red bruise
        wisher or benefactor of the soul? Are you in mately related to                 marks appearing on his back.”
        the soul? Because no one can take you ahead in the a erlife.                           “No, I didn't see it.”
        You aren't steady even in this very life! Even then, the love and                      “Bhaliya! You are really stupid.”
        care, a rac on and a achment of the soul for you provokes                              “But Dad! Even the dead body would have got red bruise
        him  in  extremely  evil-sinful  acts!  Ohhh…!  Mesmerised  and                marks on it a er ge ng beaten. Isn't it?”
        fascinated by you (Laxmi), the soul gets trapped in such a black-                      “Bhaliya! You are s ll very innocent. The blood of the
        filthy thought process and awful psyche!                                        dead person also dies with death. Then how would he get red

               The thief was shocked to listen to this! He thought, “O                 bruise marks on his back? Now do one thing. Take this knife and
        my God! Now, will I have to suffer s ck blows? There is no                      slash his ears. If he is alive, he won't let cut his ears!” See the
        guarantee of ge ng wealth. I may, I may not get and enduring                   barbaric cruelty of heart immersed in the worry of wealth!
        the s ck blows are for sure. Never mind! 'No pains, No gains'.                         But Laxmidas didn't know that he wasn't the only slave
        Let me face it. Once I get wealth in my hand, I'll thrash the                  of Laxmi, but this thief was a much superior ardent slave that
        whole world!’                                                                  he was at all ready to let cut even his ears on the command of

               Bhaliya  reached  there  with  a  s ck  in  his  hand.  He              Laxmi!
        thrashed strongly two to four  mes on the thief's back. But who                        This  wicked  man  was  thinking  in  his  mind,  'Ahhh…!
        was squeaking or shivering over here? Can one willingly accept                 Goddess Laxmi has put really a difficult test for me! A heavy
        s ck thrashes? Yes, of course when one sees profit and wan ng                   assault of cu ng my ears? Oh no! How can I let my ears cut,
        fruits ge ng fulfilled. To a ain and achieve the own quali es of                when I'm alive? Even people will humiliate and tease me as
        the soul of infinite value like forgiveness, politeness, generosity             'earless'. So I don't want to let my ears slashed.' Then a thought
        etc., one has to bear and endure. The Bhaliya, over here saw                   popped in his mind 'Bhaliya is going to come over here to slash
        that 'There is nothing to doubt. Dad is needlessly doub ng.'                   my ears. Should I face him? Or run away? But really they have a
        Thinking so, he returned to his father and said,                               lot of wealth. Then let the ears be slashed. I would fix ar ficial

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