P. 35

ears by having plas c surgery out of wealth. But in return, I                  Although, he was considering it to be a corpse, but only a cruel
        would get to swim in the sea of abundant wealth. Yeah! I would                 heart can commit such a violent act of even cu ng lifeless
        have great fun and excitement. Let then be ar ficial ears. What                 human body. The heart becomes hard in cu ng even the dead
        is the use of this true ears in this deser ng poverty?’ Thinking               bodies of movable living beings.
        so, he remained there.                                                                 Bhaliya came to his father, "Look! Take these ears! You
               Bhaliya came over there and as he watched the thief's                   are needlessly doub ng. Will anyone who is alive allow his ears
        back,  he  no ced  tomato  red  bruise  marks  swelling  up.  He               to cut? No one would allow to prick even a needle!”
        thought 'It seems he is alive, but now, on the spot, the ma er                         Father said, "O fool! Don't try to be over-smart! Why are
        would be ultra-clear. Clarity is just in my hands, a sparkling                 these ears dripping with blood? Can there be any blood in a
        knife. As soon as I slash his ears like a cucumber, he would                   corpse? Crazy fellow! Trying to be over-wise! Do you want to
        immediately spring up wide awake!”What a butcher like cruel                    teach me? Donkey! Have you any brains? The wealth worth
        mindset! Even the son had got evil chap of his father and he                   crores would vanish in seconds….!”
        turned from Bhaliya (noble) to Buriya (devil)! The company of                          His son moreover had some piece of Intelligence. Using
        evil  and  wicked  is  very  dangerous!  It  destroys  the  nobility           it, he replied, "Dad! Don't be so very impa ent and anxious!
        gathered by the soul since ages.                                               Didn't I say before 'The poor fellow may have died falling just
               Bhaliya caught the ear of the wicked and slashed!!! He                  recently’ then, how can the blood dry so fast?”
        struck the knife. The thief had made up his mind 'If I'm going to                      Listening to this, sparked the fire of fury in the mind of
        get Laxmi (wealth) in return, why won't I let my ears slashed? It              his  father!  He  had  a  confined  and  concrete  fixed  frame  of
        is just a ma er of minutes and all the wealth will be mine a er I              mind,'Even if there is a slight possibility of him being alive, I'll
        let my ears cut. Without any doubts, they will immediately bury                lose  all  my  wealth  worth  crores'  What  is  the  value  or
        all the wealth!' This wicked man has become so very hard like                  significance of such poor life devoid of wealth? It is surprising!
        iron and rigid like plas c at heart, that he doesn't even tremble              The ignorant and idiot soul feels so much deep sorrow in
        a bit when Bhaliya was cu ng his ear. Cruel Bhaliya smoothly                   losing wealth. He doesn't feel so, in losing human life devoid
        cut off his ear! Then he thought 'He seems like a dead. Should I                of charitable noble acts when the wealth is in his hand!
        cut the other one? Is it necessary? Let me finish the job. Let me                       Now the father got furious. He gave 2-4 slaps on his
        cut the other ear also! Or else the father would scold me,'Why                 son's face and said, "Let me come. I myself will check. What's
        did you bring just an ear. Go! Go and bring another one' Then I                the truth! It's be er to take trouble walking there instead of
        would  have  to  come  again  and  waste   me  while  it's  quite              burning here in the fire of worry. You are s ll an ass even a er
        unsafe staying longer in the forest.’ Thinking so, he slashed                  ge ng of twenty years of age! Stupid! You haven't got any drop
        another ear! Which sin is impossible for ge ng wealth? Even                    of wisdom and on top of that you are advising me?”
        the son grew devil end sinful together with his evil-devil father!                     The son was dejected by such a temperament of his

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