P. 30

fruits and significance of generously serving the super best
        God(Bhagwan),  holy  monks,  sadharmika  and  beneficial
        spiritual places? and what is the value in protec ng cheap and                      5. Piteous Outcome of Greed
        trifle wealth?

                                                                                               'Money  is  an  excellent  servant  but  a  terrible
                                                                                       master'.When a person turns demon under the influence of
                                                                                       insa able greed, to what extent of barbary can he go? How
                                                                                       much ruthless and merciless can he become? The present story
                                                                                       would provide you with a clear and detailed answer described
                                                                                       through an account of a miserable miser. This story would teach
                                                                                       us many important life lessons- The 'money' plant sprouts from
                                                                                       the  seed  of  sin  and  discontent,  grows  big  by  watering  of
                                                                                       constant  fear  and  frustra on,  yields  thorns  of  pains  and
                                                                                       miseries  to  the  nurturing  gardener  while  gives  flowers  of
                                                                                       pleasures  to  others(his  family).  Learned  sages  advise,  'The
                                                                                       money earned by resor ng to dishonesty and illicit means is
                                                                                       used and enjoyed by the family while the bi er fruits of sins
                                                                                       commi ed by the man have to be suffered by him alone.’
                                                                                               Today,  when  the  world's  wealthiest  money  kings  are
                                                                                       looked  with  awe  by  everyone,  Jinshashan  gives  a  totally
                                                                                       different outlook that 'Money mad mul -millionaires infected
                                                                                       with  vicious  greed  are  indeed  the  possible  candidates  of
                                                                                       treacherous a er-lives.' So, a wise man looks with u er mercy
                                                                                       on such wealth crazy billionaires.
                                                                                               Jinshashan redefines richness, 'That man is the richest
                                                                                       whose requirements are the cheapest'.

                                                                                               See the life gardener Pujya Gurudevshri is ready. Let's
                                                                                       hand over our life to him so as to get clear the weeds and thorns
                                                                                       of greed and grow a blossoming flower of contentment!

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