P. 25

opposite person, listen and even check it before offering the                           2) 'Fool! Have you come to die? Take these two dollars!'
        dona on. This man didn't even ask, listen to me or checked                     these words can also be taken as an insult. One can imagine,
        anything! Just he felt 'This person is in need' and immediately,               'Such an egois c man that he gives a slap on my back! If he
        he took out a two-dollar note and a card as a promise to lend                  wants to offer the dona on, he can use gentle words, how can
        job and handed over to me. In this age of unemployment who                     he insult me straight away with fury in mind? What is the value
        gives a job to even the familiar and educated?                                 of such rough behaviour?' If we have a low and mean outlook
               While this man, without knowing my eligibility, he told                 for words of the opposite person, it creates a quarrel. But over
        to come for a job! Kudos to his generosity! his benevolence! his               here, the American took it as words of affec on and words for
        selflessness!  Really,  he  opened  my  eyes!  What  kind  of                   his personal benefit. So it provoked love for him and changed
        perspec ve does he have for money? And what kind of do I                       the direc on of his life.
        have? He must have thought for me in his mind, that, “This                             American reached home and kept that visi ng card and
        distressed man, my fellow ci zen and he does like this? Let me                 two  dollars  in  a  showcase.  He  acquires  more  and  more
        help and recover him from his problem. What is other good use                  mo va on for dona on as he looked to it, every day. As such,
        of my money?' Thinking along such lines, when he is giving me                  years passed by, he offered plenty of dona ons during this
        money without asking me, then why should I remain such a                       period. Now he changed his disposi on, he couldn't remain at
        miser?  The  true  purpose  of  wealth  is  in  elimina ng  the                ease without offering the dona on and knew no bounds of
        sorrows of others! in pacifying the enraged hearts of others!                  ecstasy  in  dona ng.  Now,  what  happened?  He  was
        Just as I enjoy in amassing more wealth, he may be enjoying in                 experiencing sorrow in not giving and happiness in giving!
        distribu ng wealth! Wow! On properly thinking it seems true                            Once upon a  me, it so happened that he was reading a
        that true enjoyment lies in charity. Because the people who are                newspaper on the dining table in the morning. On opening the
        taking it make the atmosphere deligh ul. Even this is a fact                   newspaper, suddenly, he read the name of that American's
        that there is no guarantee or trust of wealth. It silently slips off            company. Actually, he had a regular habit of looking at his card.
        in personal expenditures, diseases, business loss etc. In true                 So he immediately recognized him.
        sense,  we  experience  inner  bliss  in  eradica ng  sorrows  of                      The  news  were  that  the  creditors  had  struck  his
        others. O.K then even I want to experience the boundless bliss                 company with a raid, meaning that the company was under
        of charity! I should take this incident as an excellent wisdom                 calamity.
        lesson and kickoff miserliness from me and generously offer                              He  was  really  shocked  to  read  this.  It  extremely
        dona ons to the depressed and distressed.’                                     trembled  his  conscious.  He  felt,  'Oh  my  gracious,  my  great
               Words and incident are the same, but our life is shaped                 generous, beloved is in a problem? If he rendered me great
        according to our outlook.                                                      purity  and  strength  of  mind  and  lifelong  inner  bliss  then,
               1) Pat on the back and                                                  Shouldn't  I  rid  off  his  financial  adversity  and  repay  his

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