P. 27

How cleverly he persuaded the secretary! To win the                     bungalow. The bungalow was a king size. On the top floor deep
        trust of the opposite person, first of all, one has to jus fy that              inside  a  hall,  the  company  owner  was  in  an  extremely
        his doubt is valid, such suspicion is obvious to arise. Just alone             depressed and tensed state. The secretary went up to him and
        logic or intellect doesn't work that, We are true and selfless                  introduced the ready-to-help American. His eyes sparkled and
        persons  and  we've  come  to  do  a  favour'.  Along  with                    experienced rejuvena ng freshness going through his body!
        intelligence, one needs courtesy and emo ons, one needs to                             When a person suppressed in a cri cal calamity, has lost
        comprehend the degree of sorrow of the opposite person. Just                   all hopes and out of the blue, he sees a ray of solid hope beyond
        imagine, if we are in his place and at that  me someone may                    his expecta ons, the person feels tremendous and incredible
        have come to give lacs of assistance but what would we do if he                bliss in mind. In other words, we can say, if we feel immense
        doesn't speak anything that would make us gain trust on him?                   bliss  in  ge ng  a  sorrow-elimina ng  element,  it  means  the
        A er several other bi er experiences. How can we directly put                  sorrow in the past was enormous and extremely itching. Now,
        trust in him? Just as we think and feel, so do others. So, first of             let's see a wonderful concept. Do we feel tremendous bliss in
        all, one has to show sympathy for his grief and show that his                  ge ng  Bhagwan,  Guru  and  religion  and  various  kinds  of
        doubt, fear etc. is not in the wrong place.                                    spiritual prac ces, the sure cause to eradicate all your worldly
               Now see the condi on of the secretary. Being loyal to his               sorrows?  Such  a  bliss  will  only  arise  if  one  feels  boundless
        boss, the secretary is not ready to abruptly trust an outside                  sorrow and pain of being confined in this mundane world. If
        stranger. He is also aware of the cri cal crisis the company is                one  wants  to  experience  tremendous  bliss  over  there,(in
        facing. He also has a desire in his heart to get the solu on to                a aining Bhagwan), then one should bring in the mind and
        recover from the crisis. The secretary thought If the visitor                  feel the boundless sorrow and pain of being jailed in this
        would have rudely said, “I don't want to talk with you. Join me                mundane world. If one has no such pain in his mind, he may
        with your boss” then he might be surely a new creditor. Then I                 not get excited, won't feel the bliss in ge ng Bhagwan, Guru
        would have told. “The boss is engaged. He won't be available                   etc.
        right now.” But over here, the visitor is telling me in private, “I                    The  ready-to-help  American  signalled  both  the
        haven't come over here to take money but to give money.” 'So                   secretaries of him and of the opposite American to sit outside
        the  slumbering  hope  woke  up.  He  saw  him  as  a  God  sent-              the room. A er bol ng the door, he started the conversa on.
        messenger.                                                                             He asked,” Do you recognize me?”
               The secretary understood his emo on. The secretary's                            “No, who are you?”
        mind was already full of hopes. In such a condi on, when a ray                          “I was that poor man…. Who came to commit suicide on
        of hope appears forth, who would not get tempted to it? The                    the sea coast and you gave him two dollars and a visi ng card. It
        secretary said to him, “C'mon, let me take you to my boss!”                    happened long back, before several years. You remembered?”
        Saying so, they got down the stairs, sat into a car and reached a                      On listening to such hints, the past incident flashed a bit

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