P. 24

me, there were none others except these two over there. On                    two dollars and this card. Come to my office tomorrow, and I'll
        looking  at  the  first  American  in  extremely  plain  dress  and             give you some job! Don't needlessly let your life go in vain
        staring at the sea, it made him think, “It seems like he may be                “Though the imagina on was false but the generosity of heart
        some poor man distressed by the pain of poverty and he may                     to  help  someone,  even  without  any  request  was  great!
        have come over here to bring an end to the miseries of his life.               Generosity is the fragrance of a human flower! If the aroma is
        He  may  be  thinking  of  commi ng  suicide!”  See,  what  is                 absent, what is the significance of human life? On the other
        happening!  A  millionaire  is  assumed  to  be  a  poor  man                  hand, if there is a foul odour of meanness, then human life
        intending for suicide! In this world, the actual ma er may be                  seems to be sewage! Isn't it?
        completely different then we imagine. It Is our ignorance that                          The other American was extremely surprised to hear
        shows things differently than they are! So if we put faith just                 this! Why won't he get surprised? One who is having millions in
        on our imagina on we would be cheated, so we shouldn't act                     the bank is thought to be poor, is called a fool, is scolded 'Why
        placing trust on such imagina on. Enquire about it, search for                 have  you  come  for  suicide?'  Of  course,  one  would  get
        it  around,  take  the  advice  of  a  wise.  Don't  imagine  low              astonished on hearing this! But over here, the speciality is, this
        according to the simple dress and simple lifestyle.                            American went on listening to him. Before he gave any answer,
               Although, there is not going to occur any loss over here                the scolding American man kept two dollars and the card on
        because the heart of the generous American coming behind                       the bench and got back in his car and went away. Now over
        was overflowing with compassion. He felt in his mind 'If I just                 here, see the peculiarity of even this man. He innocently took
        walk away from here, it is possible he may jump off into the sea!               his  words  posi vely.  How  great  innocence!  In  human  life,
        Because  the  way  he  is  staring  the  sea,  with  his  sulky  face          innocence  and  frankness  help  one  to  climb  the  ladder  of
        dropped in his palms, he seems to be in such thoughts. So I                    quali es and virtues and rise high. Crookedness blocks and
        should  say  him.  Look  at  the  forceful  flow  of  compassion!               opposes  it.  Develop  frankness  to  closely  experience  rapid
        Generally, we never go and search for ailing and sorrowful                     ascend to a height of virtues closely.
        men but if such a person appears before us, then naturally                             The si ng American thought, 'Look at him, although he
        affec ons brim in our heart to help and upli  him. Isn't it? The                wrongly  presumed  me  as  a  poor  man  intending  to  commit
        feeling  of  mercy  is  such.  It  automa cally  strives,  makes  an           suicide, but hats off to his generosity! He gave me two dollars,
        effort to rid off unhappiness of the opposite person without his                 besides, a visi ng card for a job! What is the rela on between
        request.                                                                       us? Moreover, there are some people ready to kindly help even
               The coming American went up to him from behind he                       if there is no rela on with the receiver, but they help those who
        immediately took out two dollars and a visi ng card from his                   come and ask them. Here I haven't put any request to him.
        pocket and said to the si ng American, pa ng his back with                     Some people without expec ng any applica on, they readily
        inspira on, “Fool! Why have you come to die? Take, take these,                 go for offering charity, but at least they ask the situa on of

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