P. 19

good habits of honesty, loyalty etc.                                               Such noble thoughts and wisdom are the signs that prove
               4) A single vice of the  a racts plenty of other vices like             one  has  a ained'Loko ar  shashan'  the  superhuman  world!
        thirst for wealth, deceit, fraud, falsehood, selfishness, betrayal              (Rank  above  the  common  world)  What  great  thoughts  and
        etc. It enslaves the soul. It makes one forget religion resul ng in            wisdom! How deep is the contempla on of things! How true
        making the wish-fulfilling gem like precious human life fu le                   are  the  hearty  feelings  and  affec on  towards  'Tirthankar'
        and waste.                                                                     (God) as his child! As a result, he could generate brimming
               5) Right in the present life he gets sorrows like being                 feelings of brotherhood towards another son of his father.
        jailed, bodily tortured, hanged etc. and gets unbearable series                        What  is  the  value  of  money  and  facili es?  The  real
        of pains and sufferings in future lives like hell.                              significance lies in unveiling and bringing out the jewel quali es
                                                                                       of love and generosity hidden in the inner core of our soul from
               6) In this precious life, one should get closer and nearer
        to 'Salva on' by developing perennial holy thoughts and noble                   me immemorial, through money. Such incidents inspire us to
        feelings.  But  one  fails  to  take  advantage  of  this  golden              bring  out  such  virtues.  How  could  one  exercise  generosity
        opportunity  of  nurturing  such  holiness  because  the   and                 without any occasion!
        women are such things which hover in one's mind all day long.                          The next day he came in the Guru's sermon. Even that
        The  makes ones mind extremely vile and blemished. There is                    shravak was present over there. Why? Thinking that if today I
        no place le  for noble thoughts and feelings.                                  won't go to upashray as usual then that businessman would
               How  can  a  Shravak  commit  the   who  understands                    have a doubt on me. 'Surely, he must have stolen my necklace,
        such  significant  losses  of  the ?  But,  this  shravak  maybe                so he is not showing his face over here' so I should con nue
        undergoing some excrucia ng sorrow. Due to which, he had to                    going over here like every day “Look, even a er commi ng the
        do this. Actually, in this case, the fault is mine because I didn't            sin, he makes up his mind, “A er all, who knows my sin, or else
        take care of my brother (Sadharmika) in spite of being capable.                they would have caught me.” What is this?
        He is a loving child of my life like dearest Bhagwan. Oh! I forgot                     1) Repentance, fear, suspicion etc. is difficult to arise in
        him! I have right to consider myself as a Jain, only if I feel                 one's mind a er commi ng a sin
        aiding my ailing Jain brother as a duty. The duty is such that if                      2) A single sin drags you along the road of deceit.
        you fail to perform, you become the culprit. If you fail to                            3)  It  makes  you  follow  even  spiritual  prac ces  like
        favour someone, it is not considered a crime, but if you fail to               coming in upashray etc. just for hiding one's sin.
        perform your duty, then it is a big crime. So it is my great fault                     The businessman got up in the sermon at an occasion
        that I didn't take care of my religious brother. He made me                    and addressed to Guru Maharaja, “O Bhagwan (venerable)! I
        conscious of it. Now I'll repent for it before Guru Maharaj and
        ask for Prayashchit.¹ He reached home with tears in his eyes.                  want to say something.”
                                                                                               The  necklace-thief  felt  a  tumult  in  his  stomach.  His
            1.  Compensa on by following the extra-religious prac ce to wash off        conscious froze on listening to this.”Oh my God! He'll definitely
        the sin
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