P. 18

In the proud past, many generous, gem-like men were                     Shravak.  So  he  won't  lament  much.  So  I  would  take  the
        born  to  'Jinshashan.'¹  They  helped  and  supported  the                    necklace. As soon as I recover my debts and acquire finance, I
        'Sadharmika'²  with  due  'respect  and  affec on  by  rendering                would buy a new necklace and lend him back”.
        financial or sympathe c aid. One such gem shravak³ had come                             Thinking  thus,  he  got  up  early from  the  Pra kraman
        to upashray⁴ for pra kraman⁵ on a fes ve religious occasion.                   ritual. Taking advantage of the darkness, he took the necklace
        Before star ng the (Samayik)⁶ spiritual ritual, he removed his                 and  immediately  reached  his  home!  A erwards,  when  the
        diamond necklace from his neck and put it aside.                               owner of the necklace didn't see the necklace, he understood,
               Great,  Gracious  Bhagwan  (God)  has  really  showered                 because only that Shravaka was si ng beside, over there. He
        abundant  grace  by  showing  us  the  Samayik  ritual  for  the               returned back home without u ering a single word.
        upli ment  of  our  souls.  One  gets  a  golden  opportunity  to                      On the way, he thought in his mind, “Oh! How careless I
        lessen one's infatua on for ornaments and jewellery and get                    am, I paid no heed to know the sorrowful situa on of the
        immersed in the innate quali es of the soul! Shravaka had put                  Sadharmik and failed to trace the pain! How big calamity he
        the necklace aside and was doing Pra kraman at ease, but a                     must be suffering, which provoked him to take such a step! Or
        poor Shravaka si ng beside him thinks,                                         else would a son of a noble mother (Shravika) do such thing?
               “Oh,  the  necklace  is  precious  and  I'm  in  a  sorrowful           Oh!  He  won't  steal  even  a  dry  straw  of  grass.”  Because  he
        state. I need to clear my debts or else I ought to sell the utensils           knows the losses of the -
        and also my house building. Right now, it is dark. Who is going                        1) Time and quan ty of happiness through the  and
        to  see?  Let  me  grab  and  go  away”  On  the  other  side,  he             illicit means is very less. Instead, the dura on of resul ng
        thought, “Oh! Such a grave sin of the  in a religious place?                   miseries in this life and a erlife is very very long. Also, the
        Never, how dare I take? I came over here to follow the religious               quan ty  of  pain  is  enormous'.  What  is  the  benefit  of
        prac ce  and  do  I  commit  sin  right  then?  No,  I  won't  “He             needlessly invi ng miseries? It is be er to suffer li le sorrow of
        reversed his thoughts, but his confusion increased” How would                  present poverty than to commit the .
        I solve my debts? Anyway, the necklace is of a religious follower                     2) Our parents who showered boun ful grace on us by
                                                                                       giving birth, nurturing and upbringing us. They and the clan
            1. The Jain community                                                      gets blemished by the the . Instead of serving ones parents
            2. Coreligionist                                                           and repaying the kindness, how can one defame and disgrace
            3. A householder who observes small vows
            4. Monk's place                                                            them? Good parents also feel sorry and sorrow for them.
            5. Essen al daily ritual                                                           3) The evil habits of the soul prevailing from infinite past
            6. Samayik - a vow to a ain equanimity by abandoning all sinful acts,      get boost up through the  and get so concretely stuck to the
        forbidding to touch even water, fire, women, ornaments, mobile, light, fan,     soul  that  it  becomes  impossible  to  eliminate  them  in  the
        electricity etc. and to study religious books or chant Bhagwan's name for 48
        minutes.                                                                       present or future many lives. Also one is unable to develop
         34                                                                              The Diamond Necklace                                        35
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