P. 17

and  is  rushing  towards  the  ar ficial  shine  of  non-living
                For that reason has manifested all the troublesome
                                                                                                                 3. The Diamond Necklace

                                                                                               The defini on of 'rich' in the world is 'one who gathers
                                                                                       more money' whereas in Jinshashan the defini on of 'rich' is
                                                                                       'one who gives more money'. A rich heart surpasses all kinds of
                                                                                       riches viz. gold, jewel, whopping bank account etc. Here the
                                                                                       story is of a man who is not just money rich but also heart rich.
                                                                                       Herewith,  Pen  king  Gurudevshri  renders  a  detailed  thought
                                                                                       graph  of  the  rich-hearted  man's  mind  which  is  really  very
                                                                                       awesome to read. To offer crores in charity is even easy but
                                                                                       keeping such immense generosity described herein is possible
                                                                                       only for excep onal noble heroes. The waves of hi-nobility,
                                                                                       immense generosity and deep love tossing in his heart would
                                                                                       really splash and trickle your eyes.
                                                                                               Gurudevshri has put deep philosophy in simple words.
                                                                                       He says-Love towards Bhagwan is true only if one can generate
                                                                                       brimming feelings of brotherhood towards another son of one's
                                                                                       religious father, the Great Gracious.' Today, life has become
                                                                                       financially  more  crucial.  The  lower  and  middle-class  Jain
                                                                                       families lose the majority of  me in the fight for survival and
                                                                                       existence, leaving no  me for religious ac vi es. In such a  me,
                                                                                       when  the  sadharmika  is  suppressed  under  steeping  high
                                                                                       expenditure, it is a duty of every financially stable Jain to fill the
                                                                                       pit.  Gurudevshri  very  clearly  states  'We  are  not  doing  any
                                                                                       favour on a sadharmika by helping him. Instead, it is a duty to
                                                                                       rid off our brother's misery. If one fails to perform such a duty, it
                                                                                       is an offence'.

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