P. 21

was trying to clear off his doubt. But the businessman didn't                   Samyag tapa ( Right penance) and of same one belief in the
        even feel so in his mind. Then why did he say “This can't be                   scriptures propounded by the omniscient Bhagwan devoid of
        mine?” Now listen to businessman's clarifica on                                 delusion  and  aversion.  Whereas  this  is  a  ma er  of  just  2
               The businessman said, “But hey noble! I'm not saying,                   persons. They both are of such a similarity in their opinions that
        you are giving me cheap and duplicate necklace instead of the                  the thief is con nuously staring at both of them, but they seem
        precious one. Instead, I'm saying, my necklace isn't lost.”                    to  be  u erly  unaware  of  the  necklace!  On  comparing  the
               The thief was spellbound on listening to this! He feels,                generosity  and  nobility  of  their  heart  with  his  extreme
        'Oh ! What is he telling? May he have really forgo en? Even one                meanness and vileness, the thief's heart highly trembled. His
        can't immediately forget an ordinary thing just lost then this is a            heart and soul was whirling with emo ons. He stood up and fell
        the  of a precious necklace! How can it be forgo en? Even                      in  the  feet  of  the  businessman  and  burst  into  crying  and
        then,  let  me  remind  him'  A er  thinking,  he  said,  “O  great            lamenta on.  He  said,  “My  Master!  I  know  I've  stolen  your
        Master! See, last night while in the Pra kraman I stole your                   necklace, but it is your vastness of heart and nobility that is
        necklace and this is it”                                                       showering a downpour of grace and benevolence on me! My
               ”Ah! No, no, sorry, sorry, what did you tell? You stole it!             Lord! It is easy to offer even this precious jewel necklace in
        No, not at all, Sadharmika brother can't commit a sin of the .                 charity but when the culprit is returning the stolen necklace
        Our necklace isn't lost at all.”                                               back, then to say, 'My necklace isn't stolen at all!' is possible
                There the mistress arrived. That shravak told her, “Look               only for a Godly person like you! Really, you opened my inner
        sister! I stole your necklace and am now returning it back. But,               eyes. Since today, I solemn to abandon the  even of a  ny thing
        the master is refusing it. Tell him something.”                                all my life! Now take your necklace back.
                But this lady was altogether different. She favoured the                        In  a  superior  incarna on  of  human,  where  is  the
        talks of the merchant. She told the thief, “He is speaking the                 meanness of stealing a thing of a religious, noble soul under
        truth. Our necklace is not at all stolen and can you steal? No,                the pretext of religion and where is the immense generosity
        No, Never. Therefore, please don't tell this again.”                           of  let  going  one's  own  stolen  precious  valuable!  Anyway,
                                                                                       Master, I'm going to leave your necklace over here, but I didn't
               Look at this couple – husband and wife. It seems like one
                                                                                       understand the secret of your hi-nobility.”
        soul and two bodies! So both have the same one kind of ideal,
        the same one kind of desire and the same one sort of belief.                           The  businessman  said,  “Gentlemen!  In  front  of  the
                                                                                       nobility of past lionmen, shining before my eyes. I feel myself
        This is not surprising because thousands and lacs of humans
        following the Bhagwan's path have the same one ideal of                        extremely mean. Even though Jain's houses were filled with all
        Moksha (Salva on). Also, they have the same one desire of                      requirements, the lion-men use to feed a meal to even these
        religion of pure Samyag darshan (Right belief), Samyag Gnan                    generous donors for en re twelve months and 360 days on a
        (Right  knowledge),  Samyag  Charitra  (  Right  conduct)  and                 daily basis. Today I'm not having the generosity of serving the

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