P. 22

well-to-do persons, but also, I'm not also taking care of even                         The  emo onal  expression  of  the  businessman  really
        the distressed. How meanness of me! My true brother! You                       shook the heart of the necklace-thief! How can he even touch
        opened my shut eyes. You've really done a great favour on me!                  the  necklace  again  once  he  kept  on  the  table?  S ll,  the
        The inflow and outgoing of money is a very ordinary thing, a                    businessman  reques ng  him  earnestly,  gave  him  money  to
        trifle thing in this world. I was carefree and unalert like an                  clear  off  the  debts  and  start  a  business  and  only  then  he
        alcoholic under the intoxica on of money. I was imprudent!                     allowed him to go.
        Oh! I was devoid of all noble feelings and in such a situa on you                      Applause to such a dras c change of heart!
        dared to take the necklace and thus removed my intoxica on,
        arousing  prudence  and  noble  feelings  in  me  and  really,  my
        conscience woke! I thought how distressed and oppressed my
        religious  brother  and  a  loving  son  of  the  Great  Almighty,
        religious father would have been before taking the necklace! In
        such expressions, he may have met heart-jol ng failures! Is my
        money then useful only to burn my funeral pyre?
               I got two pennies in the service of world's well-wisher
        Bhagwan. In spite of having that, if I don't rid off the sorrow of
        my  Sadharmika,  it  would  be  my  u er  selfishness!  It's  a
        terrible  plight  like  of  a  snake  just  guarding  the  enormous
        wealth pu ng it into   no good use. If such adversity would
        have con nued, my Sadharmikas would have been dead in a
        depressing state and would have forgo en the religion in the
        worry of filling the belly. It would have forgo en would have
        caused  a  significant  loss  to  my  great  Godfather's  ongoing
        ins tu on of religious values and ac vi es. A er that, due to
        lack of enough followers in the world Jinshashan would have
        looked so poor! Also, the distressed Sadharmika brother may
        have lost the right path! Etc. Thinking so, I realized my terrible
        offence. So, I had to ask for Prayashchit (Compensa on) from
        Gurudev today. Great man! We both are grateful to you, for
        doing a great favour on us. We have presumed this necklace for
        the service of Sadharmika only. You have to take it.”

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