P. 28

faint in his memory. But before saying a yes, he doubted that                  you falsely, then you should have withered my illusion and
        'The secretary gave me a totally different introduc on. Was he                  sensed me the truth. You, of course, have the right to.”
        illusioned? This person may have tricked him. How else he can                          “There is a reason behind this. Your accusa on was of
        meet me? It's an addi on of a new problem. So before he                        no  importance.  The  importance  and  significance  were  of
        makes any request, let me clarify everything.' Look over here,                 benevolence and generosity embodied in your consola on of
        the reality is completely different and the imagina on is sliding               two  dollar-charity  and  a  job!  The  value  was  of  a  silent
        in the opposite direc on. The man should become pa ent. He                     inspira on to strive to eradicate sorrow of others. I was a
        should possibly infer the opinion of the opposite person from                  miser, selfish and a heartless follow! Your generosity sprinkled
        his face, then should he make any judgement. But, the man                      seeds  of  generosity  in  me.  You  made  me  king-hearted,
        makes unnecessary hurry, propelled by fear engulfing one's                      benevolent and benign!” That man was completely astounded.
        mind. So he said, “Yes, I recognize you. What do you want? Do                  He forgot his troubles and got engrossed in listening to him!
        you know my current condi ons?”                                                The visitor American con nued,
               “Yes, I know”                                                                   “Right  at  that  moment,  I  resolved  to  begin  offering
               “Then understand, I'm in no circumstances to give you                   charity and become benevolent and generous. I thought If one
        anything!”                                                                     has to leave all his wealth a er death then why shouldn't one
               “I know that. For the same reason, I've come over here. I               put wealth to good use before? Yes, if death is never going to
        haven't come to take anything,instead, I've come to help you,                  come  and  if  this  wealth  remained  permanent,  the  thing
        for a sure and solid help”.                                                    would  be  different.  But  it's  not  the  case.  And  then,  a er
               “So much help? for what? In return for being saved from                 reaching home, I kept your dollar and card safe in a showcase
        suicide?”                                                                      and now and then I used to look and gain inspira on from it. On
               “No, not from suicide but blind selfishness”.                            its strength, I could do many noble charitable acts since. Today,

               “I didn't understand anything.”                                         I read your name in the newspaper and immediately rushed to
                                                                                       you  to  repay  your  kindness.  Wow!  True  is  the  delight  of
               “I wasn't a poor man. I didn't at all come for suicide”.
        “What are you saying?”                                                         dona on! Now tell me, how much is the crisis?”
                                                                                               Saying so, he instantly took out the chequebook. That
               “Yes, really! I had good money. My even car was parked
        beside. I got just lost in thoughts staring at the sea. You just               American was extremely shocked, his eyes widened! He was
        imagined, 'This is a poor man and has come for suicide.' “Then                 thinking, “Is he speaking the truth or making me a fool? Does
        why didn't you scold me and clarify it?”                                       he know, does he have any hint, how big the amount is? He
               “Why would I do that?”
                                                                                               “Do you have any imagina on of the crisis?”
               “Why wouldn't you? If I'm making a mistake in accusing
                                                                                               “No ma er how big it may be, Don't worry!”

         54                                                                              Two Americans                                               55
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