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wealth in keeping it elsewhere. There is a great risk in going for             He called his boy, “O Bhaliya! C'mon, get up idiot! Why are you
        big business. We may lose our capital in yielding interest. There              si ng over here? Check properly in all four direc ons whether
        is a fear of thieves if we keep the wealth in our house. So let's go           any wicked man is hidden or not! Stupid follow! You don't even
        and bury it in the forest”.                                                    understand this! Even a er ge ng of 20 years, you are s ll
               As much as we worry about wealth, do we think a bit of                  dunce like a donkey. Your brain is a big zero! C'mon stand up, go
        the innate quali es of soul and spiritual prac ces? If we do so,               and find out!” Just throw orders over him! Harsh command and
        it would sky-rocket the spiritual advancement and boost the                    advice without a drop of affec on! On the other hand, the
        bliss levels !                                                                 precise care and safety of wealth is just beyond imagina on! Is
               Laxmidas wrapped and packed the casket in a cloth bag                   this the cleverness in human life? If one has such a safe sense
        on his shoulder, took Bhaliya with him and set his foot towards                for wealth and no wisdom of soul then is he not a stupid fellow?
        the forest. But his fate was not very favourable!A cunning man                 Is he not dunce like a donkey?
        followed him right from the city. Alert merchant stopped at                            Now that wicked man hidden behind the tree got afraid!
        intervals and looked back to ensure that no one was following                  ‘What to do? If I flee away, they'll see me. If I just stand over
        him. But this man was so shrewd that the merchant didn't get                   here, Bhaliya'll eventually come over here and see me. Even If I
        even a hint of him.                                                            try to climb over the tree, then I will get in their eyes, then what
               The merchant stopped in the very midst of the forest.                   should  I  do?'  The  thief  got  lost  in  thoughts.  He  thrilled  in
        Even that man hid behind a tree to see, 'What is the merchant                  excitement as an idea sparked to him. 'Anyway, this is a fluke.
        going  to  do!'  He  already  doubted  from  the  first.  Now  he               Let me try. I'll get over and fool poor Bhaliya!' Look at the power
        understood the situa on from the forthcoming ac vity of the                    of  intelligence.  Should  the  intelligence  be  used  in  such
        merchant. The merchant looked around on all four sides with a                  blemished acts? To play nasty tricks? Should this be done even
        vigilant eye. Then he was about to dig the pit. What for? Just                 here?
        because he was an ardent slave of Laxmi, it seemed like this                           Before father completed his instruc on to his son, this
        servant  of  Laxmi  was  sending  the  lost  Laxmi  back  to  her              wicked man began his evil experiment. He slept flat seeming
        birthplace hometown 'the earth' from where she originated!                     like a corpse. Following the command of his father, Bhaliya was
        Rich  millionaires  are  called  'Laxmipa '  (master  of  Goddess              on a search in all the four direc ons and eventually came over
        Laxmi)                                                                         here. He thought in his mind, 'Who is sleeping over here?'
               Only those generous wealthy people are called such                      When  he  saw  properly,  he  felt,  'Sleeping  haphazardly.  The
        'Laxmipa ' who offer charity and use Laxmi in a noble cause                     hands are helter-skelter. One leg is crooked, another straight'.
        to pacify the fire of adversi es in the lives of others. Not like               Poor  Bhaliya  was  u erly  innocent,  unaware  of  the  wicked
        these poor misers.                                                             world. He simply imagined,'It seems like some man has fallen
               Before digging the ground, the merchant thought again.                  from the tree and has died and there is no fear from a dead

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