P. 41

delighted looking at the happy face of the emperor. He was full                there he saw  ghtly packed man's hair overflowing from it! The
        of hopes expec ng the emperor's call for jewellery's deal. And                 jewellery dish became full of hair mess! The emperor felt a big
        indeed in the mean me, emperor's soldiers reached the clerk's                  shame  and  insult  in  front  of  everyone  in  the  court.  So  he
        home  with  his  name.  The  clerk  seated  in  the  gallery  was              immediately ordered. “Go and cut the clerk's throat.” So the
        extremely happy to know this "Wow! I got it! My hopes got                      soldiers rushed over there.
        fulfilled" Really, soul dances on the moves of ignorance! Are                           The merchant had just expecta on of a bit punishment
        the hopes really fulfilled? Of course not, he doesn't know he                   in his wicked plan. But instead, the clerk got fixed in the jaws of
        was  ge ng  into  the  trap  set  by  his  master.  A  man  should             death.  So  one  should  remain  alert  because  some mes  it
        pa ently think what it is? What it is not?                                     happens, we just try to trouble someone propelled by hatred
               The soldiers with angry red faces roared from below and                 on him. And beyond our expecta ons, the result may come so
        began to threaten him, "Idiot! What have you done? Get up.                     fatal  and  dangerous  that  some mes  it  leads  to  endless
        Your death is at your doors. It is the order of our majesty to kill            repentance for us. The merchant had no thought of killing the
        you!”                                                                          clerk. He failed to think that 'This is a Muslim emperor. In a fury,
               The clerk was damn frightened! For a moment, he lost                    he may even straight away strike the throat!’ Why didn't he
        his consciousness. It is obvious to get afraid for anybody on                  think? Due to uncontrolled boiling temper. Even if a man is a
        listening to the name of death. S ll, he mustered his courage                  scholar, religious person, or a penant, he may lose his sense
        and asked,                                                                     and become crazy as soon as he becomes red by rage. Man in
               “But, what happened?”                                                   control of temper forgets everything and loses his presence of
               “A er doing such a big insult of our great majesty, you                 mind. So control your temper to control your senses.
        are asking 'what happened?"                                                            The  clerk  understood,  'Definitely,  the  emperor  must
               “But at least tell me what insult have I done?”                         have opened the velvet cover of the cat. The bunch of hair

               They grew furious and said, "He is mad. He just doesn't                 might have come from it. So, did the master set this trap as a
        know like a mad fellow.”                                                       revenge  for  my  last  words  'Boss's  instruc ons  work   ll  the
                                                                                       gate?'  I  know  the  boss's  nature  is  mean  and  peevish.  He
               The clerk pleaded, "I really don't know anything.”
                                                                                       reached down to such meanness! I too made vain haste 'Haste
               They  screamed,  “You  scoundrel!  You  don't  know?
        Haven’t you gi ed dirty hair packed in a cat in the court of the               makes  waste'.  Was  I  going  to  get  any  glory  in  saying  such
                                                                                       words?' The clerk was repen ng then. But what was the benefit
        world's emperor? Such a mean and insul ng act! Now you are
                                                                                       of repen ng? The clerk got angry 'How cruel of the boss who
        behaving like you are completely unaware of this thing. C'mon,                 thrashed a poor man in such a deadly condi on?' But what
        get up, your life ends now!”
                                                                                       would the clerk then get by ge ng angry.
               It happened so that a er the clerk went off the royal
        court. The emperor got curious and tore cat's velvet cover. And                        But see over here, the good thing is, how generous is the
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