P. 46

“Oh ! What are you asking? Not at all selfish. She is really             temper.  Even  if  you  propose  a  thing  worth  millions  in
        the personifica on of all virtues!”                                             inappropriate words and feelings, it is next to mud and stones.
               “See  my  brother.  One  should  take  every  step                      So, this is very much essen al training in life. Learn to speak.
        though ully in this world. You just see that you have forgo en                 Think appropriately before u ering a single word. Say such
        the great saviour religion for what? Just examine it. We don't                 words which are a rac ve, impressive and effec ve. Then see
        want to unnecessarily blame her. By iden fying the hurdle and                  their endless benefits. One should take care, words shouldn't
        ge ng rid of it, we want to progress ahead in our life. Life is like           be vain and the listener shouldn't become our rival.
        a dream. In a dream, you merry in a diamond swing on the                               Then  Dharmadas  asked  his  friend  Subudhhi,  “What
        seventh floor of a golden palace. But what a er the dream is                    incident should I act upon?”
        over?                                                                                  The friend whispered something in his ears. Then he
               A er  we  open  our  eyes,  the  dream  is  but  a  zero.               came  back  home.  Wife  asked  the  reason  for  arriving  late
        Similarly, at the end of our life when our eyes get closed, there              because she was very cunning.  But he diverted the topic. A er
        is nothing but a zero. You can perform religious prac ces only                 a  few  days,  when  the  servants  had  gone  to  a  fes val
         ll your eyes are open. And only religion is our saviour. Not a                celebra on, then he got up early in the morning and said, "I've
        wife. Maybe your wife's love is natural. But I think, there is no              to finish the court's work today. So I'll have to catch the lawyer
        elder at your home, so she has put royal reigns over you. Queen                first before he gets engaged in other work or goes out.”
        lady has completely mesmerised you. Whatever! Your mutual                              Wife asked him, “So you want to go just now."
        love live long!  I don't want to say anything about it. But if you             “Don't speak anything now. I'll try to come in between as  me
        forget Bhagwan, Guru and religion in such blind love affair, it is              allows.  But,  don't  wait  for  me  long.  You  may  have  your
        very dangerous. So do one thing. You act and create an incident                breakfast alone even if I don't come.”
        that would test her and make her religious. If she becomes                             “Ah! What did you say? Do I've my breakfast leaving
        religious, she will inspire even you in religion.”                             you? You remain hungry and I fill my belly over here?”
               The heart-spli ng words of his friends put Dharmadas in                         “But I'm telling you to…!”
        deep thinking. He saw 'There are no stains of jealousy in the                          "You  are  telling  me,  that  is  your  generosity.  But  the
        friend's advice, not even contempt towards my wife, not also                   religion of our chaste women is altogether different. A er all,
        an abuse of love. The advice signalled only one thing 'Don't                   you are just going to come in the mean me. And if it takes a
        forget Bhagwan, Guru and religion'. So now I should also know                  whole day even then, it doesn't mind. I won't wither in such a
        what  kind of incident is he sugges ng me for the test.' He got                short  me.”
        curious to listen to his friend's beneficial advice.
                                                                                               “Ok ok do whatever you like.”
               But  when?  Friend  so ly  advised  him,  for  his  own
                                                                                               Saying so, Dharmadas got out from his home. There
        benefit,  understanding  the  situa on  and  without  losing  his               were  no  servants  at  home  that  day,.  So  Sundari  herself

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