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intoxicated  by  your  infatua on,  played  and  splashed  in  the             also trapped me together! Even I was senseless and a fool that I
        gu er of your sensual pleasures like a pig. As a result, I forgot              gave no thought for the real welfare and benefit of myself. Also,
        religion and commi ed a number of sins. I think if I had really                I didn't show the right path to my loving wife!" Saying so, he
        died in such a state, then I would have definitely reached the                  burst into copious tears.
        hellish sorrowful life. Once, you used to call me, your desperate                      Sundari was almost frozen listening to her husband's
        and in mate lover. Today as if to fill the lack of your love, you               heart-rending  speech.  But  husband's  last  emo onal  words
        ordered to put saw on my leg instead of the pillar! Is there any               intrigued her into crying. She understood her extremely grave
         niest trace of love in it? Instead, the false show off of love is              mistake  and  fell  in  her  husband's  feet,  crying  hear ly.  She
        dripping with deceit and fraud! I thank my well-wisher who                     accepted her fraudulent nature and showed readiness to do
        intrigued my wits so that I could see your deceit trap! Are you                whatever he says.
        low bred? Of which race and caste do you belong?”                                      Finally, Dharmadas explained the philosophy and tenets
               "Oh! You didn't even feel a bit of shame? You didn't even               of religion to her. He took her in the religious sermon of a Guru.
        think that 'This hi-noble human birth is not meant just to eat,                They started observing religious vows and pledges living a hi-
        drink  and  merry.  Instead,  it  is  intended  to  imbibe  higher             householder life, as training and rehearsal of monkhood. They
        virtues and perform grave spiritual prac ces. You got so much                  immersed themselves in devo on of Bhagwan, service to Guru,
        enslaved by senses and became so much foolish that instead of                  religious  rituals,  self-restraint,  penance,  knowledge,
        corona ng Bhagwan on the heart throne, you made sit the evil                   medita on. They both observed celibacy and in short,  me
        devils of blind a rac on for wealth and sensual pleasures. How                 gathered guts to ini ate monkhood. The religious friend too
        extremely mean is your thought process and behaviour! If you                   got  inspired  by  their  illustra on,  understood  the  trifle  and
        wouldn't  have  caused  such  commo on  then  would  these                     fickle  nature  of  the  world  and  ini ated  monkhood.  Being
        eatables and drinks run away? How excellent everything would                   exceedingly benevolent to himself and others, he headed on to
        have been? But, did you ever think about the welfare of my                     blissful life forms. Thus, all the three of them made their lives
        a er-life? No, you don't care even of your a er-life then how                  successful and praiseworthy.
        would you do of mine? You should have thought. We may save
        diamond pillars, eat rich food but what a er that? Of course,
        we would have to die one day. Then what a er we die? Where
        would we take birth? We passed and transcended all the lower
        forms of vegeta on, worms, ants, birds, animals etc. and got
        such a noble human birth now. You should indeed feel sorry
        that  you  forgot  Vitrag  Bhagwan  (devoid  of  a rac on  and
        aversion), his propounded religion and devasted your life and

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